24 hours after Urjit Patel resigned, India got another RBI governor. But this time the internet couldn't keep calm. Twitteratti pointed out immediately that unlike previous governors like Raghuram Rajan and Urjit Patel, Shaktikanta Das does not have a degree in business or economics, but in history. Das is an IAS officer with masters’ degree from St. Stephen's College. But, does he seem familiar? You've probably seen him hold several press cons when you stood in winding queues at the ATM. He was the center's face during demonetization. He is a former finance secretary and a current member of the finance commission And it wasn't just these the internet was interested in. A Google trend result shows that people searched for 'Shaktikanta Das Caste' after the appointment of the new RBI governor.The rupee has stumbled, Urjit Patel led RBI has had a recent history of spats with the govt. and India Inc. and investors are keeping a close eye on RBI. The new governor sure has to prove his mettle
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